
Childproof and senior-friendly.

Kindersicherheitsverschluss KiSi und TE2 DIN18 feine Riffelung Schwarz lange Überkappe
SENSOkidCAP KiSi und TE2 PP28 grobe Riffelung Rot

As a manufacturer, we see ourselves as responsible when it comes to “childproof packaging” in particular and offer maximum safety through our Child-Resistant Closures.

At the same time, our closures are designed to meet the needs of older people. The solution lies in the combination of screw cap and overcap, which we interlock. The lock only opens when pressed and turned at the same time and has been tried and tested millions of times.

Advantages of our Child-Resistant Closures

Icon Security
Maximum Safety
Icon unterschiedliche Farbauswahl
Variable Coloring
Icon internationales Drücken und drehen Symbol
Press and Turn System
Icon individelle Prägung
Custom Embossing
Icon Kindersicher und Siniorenfreundlich
Childproof and Senior-friendly
Icon Grip
Perfect Grip

Maximum safety with individual sealing inserts

Secure closure for your individual needs

Adjust your original seal with our sealing inserts. Each closure can be individually equipped with the perfect seal for your products. Discover the options now and optimally protect your liquids!

Self-sealing & sealing inserts


Zu Originalitätsverschlüssen. Kombinierbare Dicht-, Dosier- und Appliziersysteme
Larissa Becker
is pleased to receive your request.

Let's get in touch.

Let us know your requirements in a personal conversation.
Icon Hotline
By Phone
You can reach us personally
from Monday to Friday
from 8 am to 4 pm.
+49 2684 956 776 0
Icon Beratungsgespräch
Per Kontaktformular
We will contact you as soon as possible to arrange your personal consultation.